I am thankful for these things... in no particular order..but still important nonetheless
1. life
4.My house
5.My parents
6.My brothers
7.My extended family
8.My faith:God has shown me mercy
9.Great clients-that show me that I can do it
10.great clients- that show me where I could do better
11.my hands:so glad I can use them to create
12.my eyes:there is no one who sees what I see
13.my experiences-there was a point in my life where I was a little ashamed of where I came from but then I realized that is what makes me ,well,me.
14.late night television
15.learning experiences
16.lost jobs
17.new jobs
18.folks who encourage me to pursue my passions
19.the W hug:a hug my lil fam does
20.egg nog
21.stove top stuffing:because there is nothing better no matter what my husband says
22.music:more specifically good music
23.my car: because I used to own a geo prism and now I don't
24.my cameras: I realized that I can have my own business because of my camera
27.a sound mind
30.my grandmothers and the memories of them
31.soap operas -abc (don't judge)
32.oreos and cream ice cream
34.the movie: imitation of life
41.the west indies
42.rice and beans
43.neutrogena face wash
44.the food channel (better not judge me)
45.people who love my kid
46.people who love my husband
47.the radio
48.cream of wheat
49.oprah: she showed black girls that anything is possible and that we don't have to cuss and be crass to get ahead or be respected
50.pain: without it I wouldn't be reminded that I am alive and able to feel
51.isaac anderson: I have learned so much and I will always be so blessed because I know him
52.chinese food-mainly panda express and kin lin( by umkc) I can eat chinese food every night..I'm not even kidding
53.flip flops
54.facebook and twitter: changed the way we all communicate
55.all things apple: I appreciate steve jobs
56.my voice
58.new york
61.peanut butter and jelly sammich
63.snow (because its coming and I need to psych myself out)
64.sunshine on a day when the weather guy says its gonna rain
66.hard drives
68.my neighbors: anne and george,eleni and elexi
69.email: I have 3000 in my inbox (hoping most is junk mail) someone thinks enough of me to send me mail
70.clean water: not a lot of people have it
72.my bed: it really is my favorite place to be
73.my dentist
74.mail: I love getting mail even though I'm so awful at sending it
75.the ocean and being able to visit it
76.knowing the difference
78.the movie:dirty dancing (love me anyways)
79.tv remotes
82.farmers: we are trying to be more conscious of where we get our food..and the best food is from local farmers
83.my daughter's dancing and singing: so glad she is here..she really makes so proud..she could totally do nothing and I would be proud just because she's breathing
85.the new year: it's always a way to start fresh and new
87.high heels
88.so glad someone loves and cares about me so much to give me the last bite
89.being woken up at 2am (so glad I'm able to help)
90.doug's snoring..I know he's still breathing
91.my blackberry
92.gum..orbitz bubblemint gum to be exact.- I have an addiction93. the macy's day parade94. christmas music: the good,the bad and the ugly95.my job96. my community97. for thanksgiving: no gifts,no guilt.. just folks being thankful and lots of food98. simple joys: like a breeze on warm day or my favorite song on the radio99. good light100. you!
and because every post needs a picture here is a sweet one..

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