Can you keep a secret??
We are running a secret sale THIS SATURDAY-and this Saturday only!!
We are going to throw a portrait party.
You maybe saying to your self right now- "Self..What is a portrait party?"
Well, it is when you and your family, friends, significant other, roommate, or cat..
Come and get your picture taken. If you need pictures Saturday is the day to do it!! It will be first come first serve!
We'll be at Loose Park in Kansas City, Mo. from 2pm-5:30pm taking pictures!!
For $75 bucks (yes I said $75) you get your picture taken by us!! That is whole bunch cheaper than what it usually costs too..I might add..
We will post your pics on our online gallery for you to purchase and share your pics with your friends..
The Holidays are coming ...SO RSVP right now-you have to RSVP to get in on this awesome deal!! Let us know you are coming and we'll get you in and send you all good details.. Spots are limited so call, email, send a carrier pigeon --whatever you need to do get it in by Friday !!
Saturday is the only day we are doing this and we will not be doing it for a LOOOOOONG time if ever again!! So let us know..
✉ jenae@imijfoto.com
Stink!!! We're going to be out of town, otherwise we would SOOOOO be there! Love your stuff...
Julie Stirnaman
I'm kind of wishing that I lived close enough.
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